Maintenance with request

1- Enter the module "Infrastructure Maintenance" from the left sidebar.


2- Click on the button "Maintenance follow-up" of the process flow.

Note: You can access directly from the notification panel by clicking on it.


3- A list will appear with all the maintenance that you have to follow up, click on the "Details" button in which you want to follow up.


4- Complements maintenance tracking information as well as the date of the maintenance and its cost.


5- Click on the "Close and Evaluate" button, email will be sent to the user that maintenance to continue with the flow process.


Scheduled maintenance

1- Click on the button "Scheduled Maintenance" within the process flow module.


3- A list will appear with all the maintenance that should receive its maintenance in the current month or that has already expired its maintenance date, click on the button "Follow-up" in which you want to follow up.


4- Maintenance will go to the "Follow-up Maintenance" stage of the process flow.


5- Follow up the maintenance in a normal way as maintenance with request.