1- Enter the module "Quality Risk Management" from the left sidebar.
2- Click on the button "Perform Analysis" of the process flow.
Note: You can access directly from the notification panel by clicking on it.
3- A list will appear with all the applications that you have pending to register, click on the "Details" button in which you want to follow up.
4- List the activities of the process.
Note: Click on the "+" button to add activities and on the "-" button to delete them.
5- For each activity indicate the possible events or situations that can avoid the fulfillment of the objectives of the process of the activities or of the people.
6- For each event, indicate the Probability of Threat and Magnitude of Damage assigning a value of 1 to 4 according to the following table:
1 = Negligible (including None)
2 = Low
3 = Medium
4 = High
Note: QUALITYWEB 360 calculates the risk by multiplying the probability x the magnitude
7- Click on the "Send to Review" button, an email will be sent to the user who requested the evaluation to continue with the flow process.